Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 12!

NTUC Fairpice

Qns: Explain any two retail communication approaches by the retailer:

1)Pricing & Sales Promotion: as NTUC Fairprice is targeting mostly at the heartlanders and senior citizens, they provide a lot of promotions to communicate their mission of moderate the cost of living for their customers. For example they have the weekly promotion where there will be price discounts and other promotion like “Purchase with Purchase”. Their prices are also generally priced lower than most of their competitors in most of the product categories. With the low prices and frequent sales promotion, Fairprice have made their products very affordable and at the same time fulfilling their mission statement.

2)Public relation and Goodwill: as NTUC Fairprice aims to be everyone’s choice by delivering the image and actions that they care about all the customers. They have done several goodwill activities such as donation, charity and saving energy on Earth Day. All this activities are heavily publicised in the media. By these actions they manage to communicate to their customers that they care about them, the society and the future.

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