Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 12!

NTUC Fairpice

Qns: Explain any two retail communication approaches by the retailer:

1)Pricing & Sales Promotion: as NTUC Fairprice is targeting mostly at the heartlanders and senior citizens, they provide a lot of promotions to communicate their mission of moderate the cost of living for their customers. For example they have the weekly promotion where there will be price discounts and other promotion like “Purchase with Purchase”. Their prices are also generally priced lower than most of their competitors in most of the product categories. With the low prices and frequent sales promotion, Fairprice have made their products very affordable and at the same time fulfilling their mission statement.

2)Public relation and Goodwill: as NTUC Fairprice aims to be everyone’s choice by delivering the image and actions that they care about all the customers. They have done several goodwill activities such as donation, charity and saving energy on Earth Day. All this activities are heavily publicised in the media. By these actions they manage to communicate to their customers that they care about them, the society and the future.

Week 11!

Customer Service - NTUC FAIRPRICE

Qns: Outline 5 pitfalls of inadequate or poor customer service given by the retailers.

1)Inconsistency in service rendered, the service at the checkout counter is inconsistent. Sometimes the cashier personnel will say “Thank You” after the transaction but on other occasion they did not say “Thank You”. Although it could be due to the high human traffic but some customer may feel that they are less valued by the company compared too the others.

2)Blockageof passage way, sometime the staff will do stock replenishment during the operating hours. So there will be a lot of loading and unloading movement in the sales floor. Often we realize that they would have trolley and boxes of stocks blocking the passage way in between the two shelves. This cause inconvenience to us as customers and also to our safety.

3)No extended service and initiative, in our trip this week we acted as a mystery shopper and test out the staff ability to understand our needs. We observed that although we as a customer are encountering some doubts, the staff nearby having known that will not take the initiative to help. What we tested out is that we acted as a customer buying ice cream and we are unsure of the ongoing promotion. The staff who is nearby do some stocking overheard us and looked at us but she did not help us to understand the promotion.

4)Store layout and setting, we find that the passage way along the checkout counter is too narrow to accommodate movement from the customers. As the customer checkout, they are carrying bags of stuffs making it very difficult for the other customers to go out. We did not see any efforts from the retailer to improve on this area.

5)Slow response, at the checkout counter whenever there are any problems regardless if it is major or minor the whole counter would not be able to function. For example, if a product can’t be scanned the staff at the counter will ask other staff to get any product for scanning and she will just wait for that to happen. Instead she should have cancelled that transaction first and allow other customers to do their transaction.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Video Answers!

a)The retail sector is flexible, employees can pick the working hours they want to work. Looking for skills, trustworthy, good communication skills and capable of building relationship with customers.

b)Retail is the best job in the world because there are opportunities to work with different products, people and customers.

c)Past experiences, good communication skills, reliable and good time management.

d)The other retailer mentioned in the video is Tesco.

e)The most important skills are good communication skills, reliability, trustworthiness and ability to build relationship with customers.
The benefits for retail employees are that the progression opportunities are fast and there are high earning potential. And also the job can fit their lifestyle and vice versa.

f)The two retailing careers are Team Leader and Shop Floor Manager.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cold Storage Specialty Store Tanglin!


Entrance of Cold Storage Specialty Store at Tanglin!


Champagne and Wines sold at the store!


Up-close picture of a specially imported drink.


Health snacks that are sold at the store! Don't they look healthy?!


Drinks!!! You want a drink?

Customer Service!

Customer service.

We have done this week questions on the Cold storage specialty store located at Tanglin.

Standardized Customer Service Strategy

The store adopts a Standardized customer service strategy which allows the store to meet the basic customer service needs of the customers however it would not exceed the customer’s expectations. In return to the reduced service standard, by having a standardized service strategy would allow the store to reduce cost and ensure high consistency so as to ensure that all customers would receive similar treatments.

Lack of products knowledge

The first level of customer service was received when the cashiers greeted us the moment we walk in. However, the service stops after that until the moment when we decided to complete the transaction. With such a small store space and more specialty focus, we expect more and better customer service in terms of product knowledge. But the staffs there don’t seem to have sufficient product knowledge when we enquire them on the organic products.

Inconsistent service

What we observe during this trip is that their service level is inconsistent. For example, when we came in to the store the cashiers greeted us. But in another scenario, when we are paying at the cashier counter she did not greet the incoming customers. The inconsistent service level could be due to the fact that the staff is assigned tasks that are difficult to perform at the same time. So the manager should only assign tasks to the specific personnel who are capable to performing in their job scope. For example, in this case the cashiers should not be the one to greet the customers since they also have to complete the transaction for the customers.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tutorial 8

Retail Store Management Tutorial 8

Question 2

1. Discrimination – it means a bias that denies someone of opportunities such as promotions, selection and transfer.

2. Extrinsic reward - it is common reward that is expected by the employees and it will not lead to any greater satisfactions.

3. Intrinsic reward – it is an outcome that gives personal satisfaction. Example is such as one that derived from a job well done.

4. Job description - it is a written description of the specific jobs. It also includes the duty, responsibilities, scope and the working conditions.

5. Job enrichment - it means to add the level of responsibility of the employees. Job enrichment can also lead to higher level of job satisfaction.

6. Compensation - it is a direct or indirect benefit that the employees will receive from their employers. Example, direct benefits such as salary, allowances, bonus and commissions. Indirect benefits such as insurance, pension plans and vacation.

7. Commission – it is form incentives to motivate the employees. Example employees will get a % of commission from their sales so it will motivate them to push harder and also more discipline.

8. Labour scheduling - it is a tool to control and manage the company labour cost.

9. Job application form - a form for the employees to state their general information such as their contact numbers, education levels & qualification, address.

10. Shoplifting - the process of taking a retailer’s property without permission, ownerships rights which is illegal in nature.

11. Orientation programmes – it is a form training programme that educates the employees on the company’s policy, regulations, working hours, job representation and fringe benefits.

Question 3
The changing demographics in Singapore workforce:
1. Higher educated people
2. Aging baby boomers
3. Diversity of foreign talents

These following demographics factors will affect the existing staffs as they now have to compete with a group of higher educated people and also the influx of foreign talents. So the existing staffs have to show more diversity in the skills so that they can still be valuable to the company in addition to the better educated and also the foreign talents which is cheaper in labour cost. The management role will likely to become more competitive. The baby boomers are also most likely to lose out to the younger people but they still have experience that is valuable to the company.

It will also affect the recruiting efforts as higher educated people will only accept higher paid jobs, higher job positions and also more relaxing job scopes. So the retailer now has to look at foreign talents who can accept the lower salary and also the more challenging working conditions. While recruiting foreign talents they also have to retrain them especially their language command.

Recruiting efforts for local staffs also have to be more flexible so as to accommodate their high salary, low working hours demand.


1) How the employment acts help people interested in a retailing career?

Overtime Work:
In a retail career, one have to be more flexible in term of the working hours as there are times where we have to work overtime. So the employment acts come into action with the law that for any overtime works, the overtime pay must be paid within 14 days of the salary period. This ensure that anyone in the retail career will be paid according and on time. Furthermore, there is also a maximum of 72 hours overtime granted for regular cases only so on one are to work overtime exceeding that amount of hours.

Damage or loss of goods:

In the event where of damage to or loss of goods entrusted to an employee for his custody, or for loss of money which an employee is accountable for. No deductions shall be made unless the employee has been given an opportunity to explain the cause of the damage or loss and his reasons why the deductions should not be made. Except with the permission of the Commissioner for Labour, the total amount of such deductions must not exceed 25% of the employee's one month's salary, and such deductions may only be made on a once-off basis.
This have an impact on any person interested in a retail career as they have to handle many goods in a daily basis so there are chances that they may damage the goods. So will this law implemented, it will ease off some financial responsibility on the workers if such incidents did happen.
Employees’ Resignation
The employment acts stated that employers cannot reject any employees request to resign from his or her works.

2) How the employment acts help the retailer?

Termination of contract without notice

The employment acts help to prevent the retailer from taken advantage of, the acts state that the retailer can terminate a employees if he is absent from work for more than 2 working days continuously without excuse, medical certificates or with informing the employer. So this act helps the retailer by instilling discipline and responsibility into the employees. In a retail store, there must also have manpower to operate so if anyone is absent without valid reasons it will greatly affect the daily operations and even the sales.

3) How the employment acts help the retail industry?

Transfer of Employees

Under the employment act law, the employers have the right to transfer their staffs to another employer. In this way it can help the retail industry in a way as the company may set up a subsidiary brand so the retailer can transfer the staffs over for a temporary basis to stabilize the new brand. In this way the retailer can utilize their resources.

The employment act law also state that the retailer can transfer their staffs to a associated company or even to a totally unrelated company. In this way the resources is actually shared and utilize across the retail industry and it can save the trouble of finding and training new staffs.

Market Place!

Market Place!

Store Layout

The store uses grid layout as it is easy to locate merchandise, allows more merchandise to be displayed and also is cost efficient. As Market Place has a lot of SKUs, using grid layout would enable them to display more products. And the merchandise is categorized into different segments like beverages like frozen products.

Design Methods

The design must be consistent with the retailer’s image and strategy, it will have a positive influence on customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, and it will also be cost efficient and flexible. Market Place store design is in sync with their image and strategy. It enables customers to shop happily and also make it a good purchase experience.

Display Methods

The display method of Market Place is categorized into different segments. And those product placed at the eye level would command a more premium price that the distributor would have to pay. They would also display their products in clean and tidy manner so as to make their brand look more professional. They also tried to arrange their products in a classy manner so as to differentiate and position themselves from other competitors.