Monday, June 29, 2009

Market Place!

Market Place!

Store Layout

The store uses grid layout as it is easy to locate merchandise, allows more merchandise to be displayed and also is cost efficient. As Market Place has a lot of SKUs, using grid layout would enable them to display more products. And the merchandise is categorized into different segments like beverages like frozen products.

Design Methods

The design must be consistent with the retailer’s image and strategy, it will have a positive influence on customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, and it will also be cost efficient and flexible. Market Place store design is in sync with their image and strategy. It enables customers to shop happily and also make it a good purchase experience.

Display Methods

The display method of Market Place is categorized into different segments. And those product placed at the eye level would command a more premium price that the distributor would have to pay. They would also display their products in clean and tidy manner so as to make their brand look more professional. They also tried to arrange their products in a classy manner so as to differentiate and position themselves from other competitors.

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